Purchasing Guide
KH Coder Official Package


Please set up your web browser's translate function to translate Japanese into English.

For Chrome:  https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/173424?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&oco=0

For Edge:  https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/use-microsoft-translator-in-microsoft-edge-browser-4ad1c6cb-01a4-4227-be9d-a81e127fcb0b


1.1  Access the OfficialStore and click "Member Registration" in the upper right corner of the store.


1.2  Fill out the application form and Press "Register as a member with this content".

You can purchase an "Academic License" if your email address uses an education-related domain such as ".edu" or ".ac".


2.1  Select "KH Coder Official Package (for non-Japanese Windows OS)" from the category.


2.2  Select "Academic License" or "General License" and click "Add to cart".

If you do not see "Academic License" even though your email address is issued by an educational institution, please refer to FAQ.1.


2.3 Click "Process to payment".


2.4 Click "to the next" without changing anything.


2.5 Fill out your credit card information and click "to the next".


2.6 Click "Confirm Order details" to fix your order.


After your order and payment is cofirmed, we will automatically send you an e-mail containing the download URL and Product-Key.